Speakers Bank
The best knowledge is the one you can share, recreate and apply.
With a constant yearning for new challenges, continuing education and skill enhancement, we bring to you our novel endeavor with the noblest of intentions. The IACDE welcomes all its members to be a part of the first ever INDIAN CONSERVATIVE AND ENDODONTIC SPEAKER BANK. The excitement for our project only doubles knowing that it is the first of its kind in India. A lot of talent and potential lies amongst Conservative dentists and Endodontists pan India. This is a humble effort to bring out and portray the best before the world. So, fill in the application forms provided online and help us further our skill set and knowledge base.
Thank you.
Dr. Mahima Tilakchand, Dr. Rana Varghese, Dr. Vineeta Nikil.
Eligibility criteria to be a part of the speaker bank,
- Speaker should be an active member of IACDE (member since 5yrs or more)
- Expertise in one or more areas of interest pertinent to Restorative / Esthetic/ Endodontics / regenerative dentistry
- Excellent speaking skills and well received by meeting audiences
- Minimum 3 publications in indexed/peer reviewed journals. Need not be published on the proposed topic
- Invited in the past to speak at state/ National/international conference and meetings
- Speaker needs to disclose all proprietary, financial or other personal interests. If speaker meets all criteria, disclosed conflict of interest information does not preclude a speaker from being approved as a recommended as speaker
- Has presented papers/poster on clinical cases/research paper at State/ National / International platforms.